Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Follow your Rainbow!!!

I am truly blessed! I feel as if the end of the rainbow is right in front of me! This dream could not be done alone and may you be as fortunate, follow your rainbow. As the time changes so does everything in the air. I love this time of year, March Madness, The Masters, and most of all, it is almost time to start racing. I spent the off-season in the pool 5-6 days a week and it is paying off!! Now it is time to balance all three disciplines out and really start putting more time on the bike and run. I did a 3 mile tempo off the bike yesterday and ran 16:10, good not great for the first one of the season. I have 4 weeks till my first duathlon and 6 till my first triathlon. With all the happenings in my training, big things are starting to devolope for me, and my wish to train full-time is really starting to become reality. Alpha Advisors is going to be my title sponsor and there are a few others who are coming forward to help in this team effort. I am trying to raise 50,000 and so far almost 15,000 has come forward. I am truly humbled by this and will be forever grateful for all the people in my life who believe in me. I workout twice everyday and think all the time about how fortunate I am to have so many people in my life that love to dream, I will never be able to say thank you enough for your generosity. I will be more diligent about updating this blog weekly if not twice weekly. Remember, follow your rainbow, no telling what is at the end!!!! Dream Big!

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