Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Where have I been these last three months? Well, let’s start with the way my season ended and facing the struggles that comes with an injury. At no time in my career have I questioned, hated, loved, wanted to quit and take the easy road out, like I struggled those 6-8 weeks after my season ended. Hence, the fact I didn’t write was because I wanted to think and do something other than triathlons. I went to Beaver Creek, CO, to ski with the Lawlers for Christmas. I played poker a lot - had to keep the competitive juices flowing! My family was in town, which was fun. I went to rehab a lot. Woody and Chad from the UT training room, those guys are a God-send! They worked endlessly to help me and heal me. I am always grateful for the many supporters on this journey that always lend a hand. My mom, the healer, need I say more? The month of January was the first time since July that I was able to run pain free, and wow I often think this is what God made me to do - I feel so alive running. I am now in Noosa at training camp with the gang: GB, LB, Pikey, Nicole, Jenny, Jimmy, Memphis, BG, Jussie, Rinny, Gordo, Mons. What a crew we have here! Things are starting to come around. I am pleased with where things are. My swim is stronger than ever, and bike is coming as well as the run. Long way to go but it’s coming. I will be here another 4 weeks and my first race of the season will be the Knoxville Half. I’ve never raced a stand-alone half - it should be interesting! Life is good! Feeling very lucky right now to train and have people in my life! Everything happens at the right time. The updates will be more frequent. It’s time for dinner with Pikey and Nicole, my housemates while training here. haba na haba lala salani (Swahili for “little by little, may all your dreams come true”)! Thanks for all the support, you know who you are!